Armed with shopping bag and credit card, consumers applauded the release of the first iPod in 2001. With 5 GBs of storage and the slogan “1,000 songs in your pocket”, the iPod quickly became an overnight success. Now different versions can hold up to 160 GBs and 40,000 songs. An HD color screen replaced the orighinal black and white screen.


Is iPod In The Bag?

Apple has done a lot of things right with the iPod. However, when Steve Jobs said that the best iPod that Apple made was the iPhone, I believe he was wrong. Having these devices separated is a nice feature. Why? Because when I am at the gym, library, on a walk, or if I just want some quiet music, I do not want to have to consider the chance of being interrupted. I understand, use, and celebrate airplane mode. Be that as it may, "airplane mode" does not thoroughly solve my dilemma. Also, combining these two devices leads to a greater expense should any damage occur at the gym. With these devices converging there are rumors that Apple might obsolete the iPod. (According to

Both a Static Intercept® Bag and a RIBS MVTR Bag Provide Long Term Protection for Electronics

The Value of Effective Storage

When companies shut down a product line there is no guarantee that it is going to be gone forever. There are many individuals who are heavily invested in Apple’s products. In which case, if the iPod does go, it may not be gone for long. It is common to obsolete a product and then keep the machinery and spare parts on hand. This is highly useful when they need to get back into production.

German car manufacturers follow this model when they create a new line of vehicles. This is common practice when they redesign a car due to legislation. Legislation that requires that they keep spares for 15 years beyond the end of a model or change.  The problem with obsolescence is that it is not simply setting up production again, it often means reworking the parts.

The Pertinence of Intercept Technology™ Bags

Intercept Technology™ is qualified by The German Auto association to provide long term protection for electronic and metal components. This means that any piece of a car undergoing or redesign can be safely stored in a reactive barrier Intercept Technology™ bag. This satisfies the lawful requirement. Also, it postures reintegration favorably when placing parts back into use without the need to clean or de-oil.

The iPod grew very rapidly in only a dozen years. Apple could indeed discontinue this product. At which point, they could simply put key components, chips, assemblies, or manufacturing components into a Static Intercept® bag or RIBS MVTR bag. This removes any worry about damage to sensitive components or electronics. These are the standing benefits of the reactive barrier properties found within Intercept Technology™ products.