Tag Archives: Static Intercept

Corrosion Control and its Impact on Electronics

Corrosion Control and its Impact on Electronic Reliability

We all know that ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) ruins, or can seriously damage electronic circuits, cards, components and/or assemblies. However, we do not always give enough credit to the impact that corrosion has on creating failures or walking wounded electronics.


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Fordlândia: A Cautionary Tale of Corrosion Damage

Intercept Technology™ -- Complete Protection Against Corrosion Damage

Today’s blog post is part history lesson -- part cautionary tale, as so many history lessons are. 'Tis indeed, perhaps one of the most profound examples of the realities of corrosion damage.


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Static Intercept And The British Royal Mint

Intercept Technology™ -- Reactive Barrier Protection Via Corrosion Intercept And Static Intercept

The British Royal Mint has used Static Intercept for some time now. Recently, there's been widespread controversy over Britain’s decision to exit the European Union. Presently, things seem to be getting even more complicated.


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