Tag Archives: static

Corrosion Control and its Impact on Electronics

Corrosion Control and its Impact on Electronic Reliability

We all know that ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) ruins, or can seriously damage electronic circuits, cards, components and/or assemblies. However, we do not always give enough credit to the impact that corrosion has on creating failures or walking wounded electronics.


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Fordlândia: A Cautionary Tale of Corrosion Damage

Intercept Technology™ -- Complete Protection Against Corrosion Damage

Today’s blog post is part history lesson -- part cautionary tale, as so many history lessons are. 'Tis indeed, perhaps one of the most profound examples of the realities of corrosion damage.


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Carbon Neutral: La La Land and Alternate Realities

Intercept Technology™ -- Environmentally Friendly Protection Against Static Discharge (ESD), Tarnish, Rust, Corrosion, Degradation, Mold, And Mildew Via Carbon Neutral Reactive Barrier Packaging

Imagining Los Angeles as a carbon free utopia, may not be as difficult as many might believe.Our Quick Review -- I am a sucker for musicals, especially one that pays homage to so many movies. From Whiplash and Funny Face - all the way back to Casablanca - La La Land honors what has come before it. Not only does the film pay respect to these classics, but it adds to the foundation they had previously established.


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