Tag Archives: Intercept Technology

Air Pollution: Corrosive Gases

Intercept Technology™ -- Protects Against Air Pollution Including Smog, Ozone, Sulpher, Chlorine, Salts, Nitrous Oxides, And Other Corrosive Gases

As we start a new year, we want to focus on aspects of our world. Specifically, aspects which impact both our lives and the protection of the products we produce as a society. Correspondingly, one of these areas is air pollution and its respective impact around the world.


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Celebrating Innovation: The List

Intercept Technology™ -- Packaging Innovation: Reactive Barrier Protection Against ESD, Tarnish, Rust, Corrosion, and Degradation

The end of the year is always marked by all sorts of lists and countdowns. I enjoy the symbolism of ending one chapter and beginning of another. As I see it, there is no more natural time than now to do this. My favorite list this year is PhysicsWorld.com’s Physics Breakthroughs of 2014. "Breakthroughs" in this case being defined as, "a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development" in accordance to the Oxford English Dictionary. For the purpose of our post, we see it as pure innovation.


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Corrosion Materials: The Power of Surface Area

Intercept Technology™ -- Reactive Barrier Protection Against ESD, Tarnish, Rust, Corrosion, and Degradation

Coral is a vital part of the underwater ecosystem but the temperature of the sea has been affecting coral. Specifically, killing (an estimated) 25% of it, bleaching large swaths of it, and making it difficult for new natural coral to grow.


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