Tag Archives: emissions

Oil-Free & Reduced Packaging Initiatives

Look under the hood of an automobile and what you see might overwhelm you. Simultaneously, dozens of parts -- each with a specific function and purpose, working in unison towards a common goal. In truth, there’s something marvelous about it! So, how do oil-free and reduced packaging initiatives apply?


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Recyclable Packaging: A New “Spin” on Recycling

Intercept Technology™ -- Recyclable Packaging That Uses No Oils, Greases, Or Volatiles

Recyclable packaging, and the idea of recycling or reusing items is not a new concept or idea. People have long “repurposed” items for other uses or other applications. Some of this repurposing is known as Yankee ingenuity. That is to say, the ability to get by with what you had and make it work for your application.


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UPS – Greater Profits Through Increased Efficiency

UPS delivers 15.8 million packages a day worldwide. To squeeze every ounce of efficiency out of its operations UPS needs to focus on even the smallest things.

One of the things that UPS has done is use an algorithm to make its truck routes more efficient. Accomplished, in part, by minimizing the number of left turns -- and revising the routes -- its delivery trucks take. This may not seem like much to an individual driver, as many consumers see the world. However, on a global scale it adds up quickly.


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