Tag Archives: Christmas

Gift Bags and Christmas Ornaments

Protect Your Ornaments With Intercept Technology™ Bags

I spent part of last Saturday setting up for Christmas. After going through the tough part of getting the tree and carrying it up a cramped flight of stairs it was time to decorate it. This meant getting the bags, totes, and ornament boxes upstairs as well. My mother buys a new ornament every year and seemingly has done so forever. Her ornaments date back to the ’50s and spend the majority of their time stored in her basement covered in tissue paper.


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Mold is the New Enemy of the Christmas Tree

Intercept Technology™ -- Prevents Mold and Mildew Naturally

From my childhood I always remember the Grinch trying to steal Christmas. The Grinch did not succeed thanks to the local townspeople. However, where he failed -- root rot caused by water mold in the soil might succeed.


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