Tag Archives: packaging

Celebrating Innovation: The List

Intercept Technology™ -- Packaging Innovation: Reactive Barrier Protection Against ESD, Tarnish, Rust, Corrosion, and Degradation

The end of the year is always marked by all sorts of lists and countdowns. I enjoy the symbolism of ending one chapter and beginning of another. As I see it, there is no more natural time than now to do this. My favorite list this year is PhysicsWorld.com’s Physics Breakthroughs of 2014. "Breakthroughs" in this case being defined as, "a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development" in accordance to the Oxford English Dictionary. For the purpose of our post, we see it as pure innovation.


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Anti-Counterfeit Packaging: The Genuine Article

Intercept Technology™ -- Reactive Barrier Protection For Anti Counterfeiting Packaging

In this post, we examine yet another case where the benefits of anti-counterfeit packaging come into view. The Tycoon line of games (Rollercoaster Tycoon , City Tycoon, and Railroad Tycoon) is a popular line of video games. Participating players can design and operate their own businesses or cities.


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Ensuring Rust Protection By Adapting To Change

At the forefront, it is perhaps a challenge to concieve what the relationship between secession and rust protection might be. I usually stay away from writing about anything remotely political. Having been buried in political ads over the past few months, this is a given. However, in this post I address a potentially political topic.


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