Tag Archives: companies

Freight Shipping vs. Finest Hours

Intercept Technology™ -- Perfect For Freight Shipping: Copper Infused Protection Against Static Discharge (ESD), Tarnish, Rust, Corrosion, Degradation, Mold, and Mildew Via Reactive Barrier Packaging

Freight shipping and movie reviews don't always go hand and hand. We try to keep movie reviews down to a minimum. However, every so often one strikes us as needing exloration and commentary. A recent viewing of the Coast Guard rescue mission as detailed in “Finest Hours” rose to this level. The level to which to the cinematography was able to capture the temper of the sea, was brilliant. Said temperament, indeed, is a reality that those involved in freight shipping know -- all too well.


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Intercept Films: Training in Malaysia

Intercept Technology™ -- Reactive Barrier Protection In Many Forms Including Intercept Films, Bags, Totes, Lids, Shrouds, Sheets, Rolls, Bins, Covers, Trays, Foams, And More

Intercept Technology™ avails wherever companies want to protect their goods from corrosion and degradation. As a result, our Intercept films and products have found their way onto all 7 continents.

Concurrently, you will find them in places like factories, museums, and showrooms. Also, you will find them outdoors in freight liners upon the open ocean, to deserts to Antarctica to protect against the elements. We continually expand to serve our customers and their new markets.


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Space Pac-Man vs. Cleanest Packaging Materials

Intercept Technology™ -- One Of The Cleanest Packaging Materials For Protecting Sensitive Components In Aerospace And Spaceflight

What are the similarities between Space Pac-Man and the cleanest packaging materials? With the recent release of the Pixels movie it is easy to dismiss this idea. It's equally easy to conjure up a Pac Man parody. However, this raises an important thought; as we send more and more items into space what happens to the debris?


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